分享到:關鍵字: 海外追逃罪犯反腐敗31.施建祥
男,中國居民身份證號碼310223196409272817,香港居民身份證號M334542(A),快鹿集團原董事長,涉嫌集資詐騙罪。2016年3月7日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:H6015127800。目前可能居住地: Valley Boulevard Alhambra, CA, the United States 。
Shi Jianxiang, male, Chinese ID No. 310223196409272817, Hong Kong ID No. M334542(A), former Chairman of Kuailu Group, on suspicion of crime of fund raising frauds, fled to the United States with travel document numbered H6015127800 on March 7, 2016. Possible location of current residence: Valley Boulevard Alhambra, CA, the United States。
男,中國居民身份證號碼310107196811091234,中技上海公司原副總經理兼鞋業(yè)部經理,涉嫌貪污罪。2006年5月23日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G08977057、W09810567。目前可能居住地: Newport Circle, Redwood City, CA, USA。
Hong Wei, male, Chinese ID No. 310107196811091234, former Deputy General Manager of CHINATEC in Shanghai and Manager of Footwear Department, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G08977057 and W09810567 on May 23, 2006. Possible location of current residence: Newport Circle, Redwood City, CA, USA。
女,中國居民身份證號碼44501019621106110X,南方證券公司廣州分公司珠海景蓮營業(yè)部原主任,涉嫌挪用公款罪、隱瞞境外存款罪。2002年8月18日外逃至新西蘭,外逃所持證照:G01815866。目前可能居住地:the Esplanade, Eastern Beach, Auckland, New Zealand。
Xuan Xiuying, female, Chinese ID No. 44501019621106110X, former Director of Zhuhai Jinglian Division of Guangzhou Branch of China Southern Securities Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of misappropriating public funds and concealing deposits outside the territory of China, fled to New Zealand with travel document numbered G01815866 on August 18, 2002. Possible location of current residence: The Esplanade, Eastern Beach, Auckland, New Zealand。
男,中國居民身份證號碼130229590224001,河北唐山豪門集團原總裁,涉嫌挪用公款罪。1999年5月23日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:140864735。目前可能居住地:NE 38th Ave, Aventura, Florida, USA。
He Yejun, male, Chinese ID No. 130229590224001, former Chairman of Tangshan Haomen Group Company, on suspicion of crime of misappropriating public funds, fled to the United States with travel document numbered 140864735 on May 23, 1999. Possible location of current residence: NE 38th Ave, Aventura, Florida, the United States。
Xu Wei, male, Chinese ID No. 370102195807280336, former Manager of Business Department of Shenzhen Oil Technology Import and Export Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G34571245 on May 28, 2011.
男,中國居民身份證號碼420107196504280030,武漢市發(fā)改委原主任,涉嫌濫用職權、受賄罪。2011年5月19日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G41800603。目前可能居住地: LONG HILL DR. SHORT HILLS, NJ, USA。
Xu Jin, male, Chinese ID No. 420107196504280030, former Director of Wuhan Development and Reform Commission, on suspicion of crimes of abusing power and taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G41800603 on May 9, 2011. Possible location of current residence: LONG HILL DR. SHORT HILLS, NJ, the United States。
女,中國居民身份證號碼210102196503045628,武漢市發(fā)改委原主任徐進妻子,涉嫌受賄罪。2011年5月19日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G4281702目前可能居住地: LONG HILL DR. SHORT HILLS, NJ, USA。
Liu Fang, female, Chinese ID No. 210102196503045628, wife of Xu Jin who was former Director of Wuhan Development and Reform Commission, on suspicion of taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G4281702 on May 19, 2011. Possible location of current residence: LONG HILL DR. SHORT HILLS, NJ, the United States。
男,中國居民身份證號碼310109194402283212,上海安徽裕安實業(yè)總公司原董事長、總經理,涉嫌貪污罪和國有公司人員濫用職權罪。2002年6月23日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:140645533。目前可能居住地: Cougar Mountain Way, Bellevue, WA, USA。
Xu Weiming, male, Chinese ID No. 310109194402283212, former Chairman and General Manager of Shanghai Anhui Yu’an Industrial Corporation, on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement and abusing power in state-owned enterprise, fled to the United States with travel document numbered 140645533 on June 23, 2002. Possible location of current residence: Cougar Mountain Way, Bellevue, WA, the United States。
女,中國居民身份證號碼410305197002056523,洛陽大華置業(yè)有限公司原法人代表,涉嫌集資詐騙罪。2013年4月14日外逃美國,外逃所持證照:G41596251。目前可能居住地: Bell Road, Johns Creek City, Georgia。
Xi Xiuping, female, Chinese ID No. 410305197002056523, former Legal Representative of Luoyang Dahua Property Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of illegally raising funds and fraud, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G41596251 on April 14, 2013. Possible location of current residence: Bell Road, Johns Creek City, Georgia。
Huang Ping, male, Chinese ID No. 44011119630927301X, former Legal Representative and General Manager of Guangdong Guanghong Huaqiao Aluminum Fabrication Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of taking bribes and embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G47183543 and T09053301 on May 3, 2014.
- 原標題:中央反腐敗協(xié)調小組國際追逃追贓工作辦公室關于部分外逃人員有關線索的公告
- 責任編輯:何書睿
- 最后更新: 2018-06-06 21:13:00
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