最后更新: 2024-06-07 21:13:301. 李鶴、張平宇、程葉青:“脆弱性的概念及其評價方法”,《地理科學進展》,2008年第2期,第18-25頁;楊飛、馬超、方華軍:“脆弱性研究進展:從理論研究到綜合實踐”,《生態(tài)學報》,2019年第2期;王福玲:“認真對待脆弱性”,中國社會科學網(wǎng),2021年9月7日,https://m.thepaper.cn/baijiahao_14396138;《中國大百科全書》也收錄了“脆弱性”術語,界定為經(jīng)濟學范疇,https://www.zgbk.com/ecph/words?SiteID=1&ID =120436
2. Robert O. Keohane, Joseph S. Nye, Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition, ?Little, Brown, and Company, 1977, p.13.
3. [美]納西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布:《反脆弱》,雨珂譯,北京:中信出版社,2014年。
4. 吳晨:“韌性與創(chuàng)新”,《經(jīng)濟觀察報》,2022年12月5日,第1098期。
5. 于濱:“中俄正常關系的再思考:理論、歷史與未來”,《俄羅斯研究》,2023年第4期。
6. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”, Foreign Affairs, June 21, 2022, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ask-the-experts/2022-06-21/will-china-and-russ ia-stay-aligned
7. 出處同上。
8. Marcin Kaczmarski, “Which Russia-China Relationship Will Emerge After the War?” Italian Institute for International Political Studies, May 5, 2022, https://www.ispionline.it/en/p ublication/which-russia-china-relationship-will-emerge-after-war-34895
9. Eugene Rumer, Richard Sokolsky, “Narrative: All Quiet on the Eastern Front”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, May 23, 2022, https://carnegieendowment.org/publication s/87185?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss
10. Charles A. Kupchan, “The Right Way to Split China and Russia: Washington Should Help Moscow Leave a Bad Marriage”, Foreign Affairs, August 4, 2021, https://www.foreignaffairs.c om/articles/united-states/2021-08-04/right-way-split-china-and-russia
11. Alexander Gabuev, “China’s New Vassal. How the War in Ukraine Turned Moscow Into Beijing’s Junior Partner”, Foreign Affairs, August 9, 2022, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/chi na/chinas-new-vassal
12. Una Aleksandra Berzina-Cerenkova, “Sino-Russian Narratives of Cooperation and What It Means for the Baltics”, Foreign Policy Research Institute, August 6, 2020, https://www.fpri.or g/article/2020/08/sino-russian-narratives-of-cooperation-and-what-it-means-for-the-baltics/
13.Kathrin Hille et al., “US urged to exploit cracks in Russia-China relationship”, The Financial Times, July 27 2020, https://www.ft.com/content/b59bd581-a9f8-4415-9be6-4dff722 e87a9
14. Alpetrovitch, D., Radchenko, S., “Another Russia Is Possible. The Kremlin Will Eventually Tire of Its Reliance on China”, Foreign Affairs, August 29, 2022, https://www.forei gnaffairs.com/russian-federation/another-russia-possible
15. Charles A. Kupchan, “The Right Way to Split China and Russia: Washington Should Help Moscow Leave a Bad Marriage”, Foreign Affairs, August 4, 2021, https://www.foreignaffairs.c om/articles/united-states/2021-08-04/right-way-split-china-and-russia
16. Alpetrovitch D, Radchenko S, “Another Russia Is Possible. The Kremlin Will Eventually Tire of Its Reliance on China”, Foreign Affairs, August 29, 2022, https://www.foreignaffairs.co m/russian-federation/another-russia-possible
17. Elizabeth Wishnick, “Still ‘No Limits’? The China-Russia Partnership After Samarkand”, Russia Matters, September 22, 2022, https://www.russiamatters.org/analysis/still-no-limits-chi na-russia-partnership-after-samarkand
18. Una Berzina-Cerenkova, Tim Rühlig, “China’s Complex Relations with Russia: Tracing the Limits of a ‘Limitless Friendship’” Internationale Politik Quarterly, September 12, 2023, https://ip-quarterly.com/en/chinas-complex-relations-russia-tracing-limits-limitless-friendship
19. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
20. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
21. Bobo Lo, “The Sino-Russian Partnership. Assumptions, Myths and Realities”, Russie.Nei.Reports, 2023, No.42, https://www.ifri.org/en/publications/etudes-de-lifri/russienei reports/sino-russian-partnership-assumptions-myths-and
22. [美]T. N. 杜普伊主編:《國際軍事與防務百科全書》,中國人民解放軍軍事科學院外國軍事研究部編譯,北京:解放軍出版社,1998年。
23. “A conversation with Henry Kissinger: The transcript of his meeting with our journalists”, The Economist, May 17, 2023, https://www.economist.com/kissinger-transcript
24. Thomas S .Wilkins, “‘Alignment’, not ‘a(chǎn)lliance’ – the shifting paradigm of international security cooperation: Toward a conceptual taxonomy of alignment”, Review of International Studies, 2012, Vol.38, No.1, pp.53-76.
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28. Eugene Rumer, Richard Sokolsky, “Narrative: All Quiet on the Eastern Front”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, May 23, 2022, https://carnegieendowment.org/publication s/87185?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss
29. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
30. 出處同上。
31. 出處同上。
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33. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
34. 該項目的核心成員包括:美國前負責亞太事務的副國務卿詹姆斯?斯坦伯格(James B. Steinberg),國家亞洲研究局主席、著名的中美關系專家理查德·埃林斯(Richard Ellings),知名“中國通”、曾任國家情報委員會負責東亞和太平洋事務的情報官羅伯特?薩特(Robert Sutter),長期供職布魯金斯學會負責俄羅斯歐亞項目的資深俄羅斯問題專家安杰拉·斯滕特(Angela Stent),哈德遜研究所政治與軍事分析中心主任理查德?韋茨(Richard Weitz)等。See “Strategic Implications of China-Russia Relations”, https://www.nbr. org/program/strategic-implications-of-russia-china-relations/
35. Richard J. Ellings and Robert Sutter, Axis of Authoritarians: Implications of China-Russia Cooperation, National Bureau of Asian Research, 2018. https://www.nbr.org/publication/axis- of-authoritarians-implications-of-china-russia-cooperation/
36. 于濱:“美國外交政策中的‘中俄溫差’”,《俄羅斯研究》,2020年第5期,第70-108頁。
37. Hal Brands, “The Eurasian Nightmare. Chinese-Russian Convergence and the Future of American Order”, Foreign Affairs, February 25, 2022, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/ china/2022-02-25/eurasian-nightmare?check_logged_in=1&utm_medium=promo_email&utm_source=lo_flows&utm_campaign=registered_user_welcome&utm_term=email_1&utm_content=20231125
38. “Putin to visit China to deepen ‘no limits’ partnership with Xi”, October 15, 2023, https://w ww.reuters.com/world/putin-visit-china-deepen-no-limits-partnership-with-xi-2023-10-15/
39. 《中華人民共和國和俄羅斯聯(lián)邦關于新時代國際關系和全球可持續(xù)發(fā)展的聯(lián)合聲明》,《人民日報》,2022年2月5日第2版。
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41. Bobo Lo, “The Sino-Russian Partnership. Assumptions, Myths and Realities”.
42. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
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46. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
47. Michael Kofman, “The Emperors League: Understanding Sino-Russian Defense Cooperation”, War on the Rocks, August 6, 2020, https://warontherocks.com/2020/08/the-emp erors-league-understanding-sino-russian-defense-cooperation/
48. Dmitriy Nurullayev, Mihaela Papa, “Bloc Politics at the UN: How Other States Behave When the United States and China–Russia Disagree”, Global Studies Quarterly, 2023, Vol.3, No.3, pp.1-11.
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51. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
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54. Samuel Charap, John Drennan & Pierre No?l, “Russia and China: A New Model of Great-Power Relations,” Survival, 2017, Vol.59, No.1, pp.25-42.
55. Hal Brands, “The Eurasian Nightmare. Chinese-Russian Convergence and the Future of American Order”, Foreign Affairs, February 25, 2022, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/ china/2022-02-25/eurasian-nightmare?check_logged_in=1&utm_medium=promo_email&utm_source=lo_flows&utm_campaign=registered_user_welcome&utm_term=email_1&utm_content=20231125
56. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
57. 出處同上。
58. Joe Webster, Paddy Ryan, “Beijing and Moscow clash over Kazakhstan’s oil”, Eurasianet, Aug 11, 2022, https://eurasianet.org/perspectives-beijing-and-moscow-clash-over-kazakhstans -oil
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61. Nicholas Ross Smith, Tracey Fallon, “The importance of bona fide friendships to international politics: China’s quest for friendships that matter”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 2022.
62. “Will China and Russia Stay Aligned? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts”.
63. William A. Callahan, “Chinese Global Orders: Socialism, Tradition, and Nation in China–Russia Relations”, Issues & Studies, 2023, Vol.59, No.2, pp.1-28.
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68. Bj?rn Alexander Düben, “Omnibalancing in China-Russia relations: regime survival and the specter of domestic threats as an impetus for bilateral alignment”, Post-Soviet Affairs, 2023, Vol.39, No.6, pp.462-486.
69. Stephen J. Hadley, Karen Donfried, “Stephen Hadley on the Major Challenges Facing the United States Today”, Belfer Center, November 14, 2023, https://www.belfercenter.org/publica tion/stephen-hadley-major-challenges-facing-united-states-today
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71. Федор Лукьянов. Анти-СВО и ее последствия// Профиль. 2023. №.11-12. С.40-42.
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74. “習近平會見俄羅斯總統(tǒng)普京”,新華網(wǎng),2023年3月21日,http://www.news.cn/politics/leaders/2023-03/21/c_1129448868.htm
75. “中俄全方位合作務實高效”,人民網(wǎng),2024年1月8日,http://world.people.com.cn/n1/2024/0108/c1002-40154720.html
76. 關于認知結構的轉換性及其轉換規(guī)律的論述參見[瑞士]皮亞杰:《結構主義》,倪連生、王琳譯,北京:商務印書館,1984年,第1-11頁,第52-67頁。也可參見國內(nèi)學者相關梳理,陳英和:“皮亞杰學派與現(xiàn)代認知心理學關于兒童認知發(fā)展觀點之比較”,《北京師范大學學報(社會科學版)》,1995年第1期。
77. [德]卡爾·馬克思、[德]弗里德里?!ざ鞲袼梗骸恶R克思恩格斯選集》,中共中央馬克思恩格斯列寧斯大林著作編譯局編譯,北京:人民出版社,2012年,第94頁。
78. 本文的“全球轉型”主要指:各國內(nèi)部政治經(jīng)濟體制轉型;在此背景下的國際秩序的調(diào)整;作為內(nèi)部制度變遷和國際秩序這兩者間連接物的各國對外政策與戰(zhàn)略。這三者經(jīng)過互動而形成的普遍性趨勢與進程,可被視為是全球轉型的總體態(tài)勢。參見馮紹雷:“歐洲對抗與亞洲突圍——全球轉型中的歐亞新博弈”,《俄羅斯研究》,2022年第1期,第84-91頁;Андрей Цыганков, Эпоха полураспада: от миропорядка к миропереходу// Россия в глобальной политике. 2019. T.17. №2; Владимир Барановский. Трансформация глобального миропорядка: динамика системных изменений// Полис. Политические исследования. 2017. №3; Barry Buzan, George Lawson, The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
79. 萬青松:“2021年的俄羅斯外交:再平衡中的新調(diào)適”,《俄羅斯研究》,2022年第1期,第164-192頁。
80. 馮紹雷:“舊世界已老去, 新世界尚在構建中”,《文匯報》,2021年1月22日,第8版。
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2024-06-07 17:41 釣魚島持久戰(zhàn) -
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2024-06-07 10:28 -
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2024-06-07 10:02 中美關系 -
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